Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Volcanism Volcanoes and types of Volcanoes


Sudden eruption of hot magma (molten rocks), gases, ash and other material from inside the earth to its surface is called volcanism.

Types of Volcanoes: there are three main types of Volcanoes:

Active Volcanoes: 

The volcanoes which erupts very frequently are called Active volcanoes. It may erupt many times daily e.g. Mauna Loa Volcano in the Hawaii, Etna Volcano in Sicily, Vesuvius Volcano in Italy and Stromboli Volcano in Mediterranean sea

Dormant Volcano:

The volcanoes which do not erupt for quite sometime are called Dormant volcanoes. It may take several days to months to erupt e.g Fujiyama volcano  in Japan, Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia and Barren Island Volcano in Andamans.

Extinct Volcanoes:

The volcanoes which do not erupt for several centuries are called e.g. Arthur's Seat volcano in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ring of Fire: 

The Ring of fire is a series of hundreds of active volcanoes found on the land near the edges of the Pacific Ocean.

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