Sunday, January 10, 2016

Forests of India Distribution, Climatic condition, Characteristics and Species found

Forests of India
India is a country which is known for greenery, and forests are also a part of it besides the crops grown and man made orchards. Forests of India are mainly of four types:
1. Tropical Evergreen Forests
2. Tropical Moist Deciduous    forests
3. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests
4. Dry Forests or Arid Forests. 
All the four types play a major role in making India a green country. These forests have great contribution in seasonal changes and harbor a lot of life forms which includes animals, plants, tree etc. Most of the insect species occurring in India inhabits these particular areas. The details of distribution, climatic condition, Characteristics and species of each type of forest are as follow:
Distribution of Tropical Evergreen Forest is mainly in    rainy slopes of Western Ghats. It is also distributed in North East India except western ghats, Eastern part of West Bengal, Odisha and Andman  Nicobar Islands.
Climatic Conditions of Tropical Evergreen Forests:
Climatic conditions of a particular area includes Rainfall, Relative humidity, Average temperature etc. The Rainfall in Tropical Evergreen forests is more than 200 cm. Such a rainfall keep the forests always green as the name suggests. Relative humidity in these forests remains more than 70%. Average temperature in these areas is about 24 degree celsius. The climatic conditions in Tropical Evergreen forests are hot and humid.
Characteristics of the flora found in Tropical Evergreen forests includes very high trees. The hight of trees is about 40 meters to 60 meters. Because of the hight of trees the ground remains shady and moist.
Plant Species found in Tropical Evergreen forests are Mahogany, Mahua, Bamboo, Cones, Ironwood, Kadam, Irul, Jamun, Hopea, Rubber, Tree, Toon, Telsur etc.
Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests:
Distribution of Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests is in Eastern parts of Sahiyadris (Western Ghats). It also ranges in North Eastern part of Peninsula, Middle and Lower Ganga valley. Foothills of Himalayas in Bhabar and Tarai region of India also represents distribution of Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest. These forests cover about 20% of India's forest area.
Climatic Conditions of Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest are moderate. There is about 100 to 200 cm rainfall per annum. Temperature remains average in thses forests.
Characteristics of the fauna:
Average height of the trees found in these areas 30 to 40 meters high. Due to deficiency of water they shed their leaves in spring i.e. onset of summer.
Species of plants found in Tropical Moist Deciuous Forests are Sal, Teak, Arjun, Mulberry, Kusum, Sandalwood, Siris, Haldi, Khair, Mango, Banyan tree etc.

Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests
Distribution of Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests is in large parts of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. These are also spread in parts of Punjab, Haryana and Eastern parts of Rajasthan. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests show spread in Northern and Western parts of Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and southern parts of Uttar Pradesh.
Climatic Conditions: Humidity in Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests remains moderate. The rainfall in these areas remains 50 meter to 100 meters.
The roots of the trees found in  Dry Deciduous Forests areas are thick and long. The average height of trees are from 6 to 15 meters.
Main Species of plants found in Dry Deciduous Forests are Teak, Sal, Bamboo, Mango, Acacia, Neem, Shisham etc.

Dry Forests or Arid Forests:
Distribution of Dry Forests or Arid Forests is in Rajasthan and adjoining areas of Haryana, Gujarat and Punjab. These forests are also distributed in Rainshadow areas of peninsular India.
Climatic Conditions of Dry Forests or Arid Forests: Relative humidity in these forests is very less. The rainfall remains very less i.e. about 50cm per annum.
Thorny vegetation, long roots of plants and small leaves are the main Charecteristics of plants found in Dry Forests or Arid Forests.
Main species of plants are cactus, Thorny bushes, Kikar, Babool, Date palm, Acacia, Khair, Euphorbias etc.

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