Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Wildlife Institute of India /Walk-in-interview to engage 9 research personnel

Walk-in-interview to engage 9 research personnel (viz., 01-Research Associate, 03-Senior Research Fellows, 04-Junior Research Fellows and 01- Project Biologist (Indian national only) on Wednesday, 7th August 2013.

Advt. No. WII/RES/RSCHRS-SELCTION’ 2013/A.3.14 (I)
W a l k – i n – I n t e r v i e Wto engage Research Fellows
 The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is a premier national autonomous Institute of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoE&F), Government of India in the field of teaching, training and research. The WII wishes to engage 09 research personnel viz., 01-Research Associate, 03-Senior Research Fellows, 04-Junior Research Fellows and 01- Project Biologist (Indian national only) through a walk-in-interview on Wednesday, 7th August 2013. The details of the available positions along with essential and desirable qualifications, terms and conditions and how to apply are given below:
Project Title, details of position and duration
Landscape ecology of large mammals in the Shivalik-Terai Landscape, with focus on flagship species and ecosystem services.
 (01 –Senior Research Fellow)
Duration: Up to 03.02.2016
Essential Qualification
Masters’ Degree in Wildlife Science/Botany/Zoology/Forestry/Life Science/Agriculture/ Environmental Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University with minimum of two year’s research experience.
Desirable Qualification
Candidate(s) with prior experience in (a) Occupancy and camera trap sampling; (b) Knowledge on human-wildlife interface issues; (c) Mapping of landscape variables and spatial analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS tools, will be preferred.
Description of Work
(a) Document the distribution, population and movement patterns of tiger and key ungulates at the landscape scales; (b) Understand the ecosystem service with reference to flagship species; and (c) Document the human-interface issues at representative sites in the landscape.
Project Title, details of position and duration
Reproductive biology and behavior of captive and wild populations of Western Tragopan in Himachal Pradesh.
(01 – Junior Research Fellow)
Duration: Up to 31.05.2014
Essential Qualification
Masters’ Degree in Wildlife Science/Botany/Zoology/Forestry/Life Science/Agriculture/ Environmental Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification
Candidate(s) with prior experience in (a) zoo management, (b) behavioral studies, (c) field survey methods, and (d) Application of Remote Sensing and GIS, will be preferred.
Description of Work
(a) Map habitat availability and distribution using RS and GIS tools; (b) Coordinate and undertake field surveys for assessing distribution and population status of Western Tragopan in wild; (c) Develop Species Recovery Plan for captive and wild management.
Project Title, details of position and duration
Evaluating pattern of landscape use by dispersing tigers (Stray) and modelling potential connectivity bottlenecks.
(01 – Project Biologist)
Duration: One year
Essential Qualification
Masters Degree in Wildlife Science/Biological Science/ Environmental Science with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification
Candidate(s) with a minimum of two years research experience after obtaining Master’s Degree relevant to Geo-Informatics and Modelling will be preferred. Candidate should also possess adequate skills in design, development and management of Computer database(s).
Description of Work
The project aims to evaluate the landscape use by dispersing/stray tigers and use TATR landscape as model to investigate the current status of habitat connectivity using information from tiger stray incidents to identify major barriers and bottlenecks in connectivity, which are coincident with maximum cases of human-tiger conflict.
Project Title, details of position and duration
Monitoring land use by wildlife, livestock and humans in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve.
(01 – Junior Research Fellow)
Duration: Up to May 2014
Essential Qualification
Masters’ Degree in Life Science/Zoology with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification
Candidate with research experience in molecular techniques, assessment of genetic diversity, population genetics, and having data analysis skills using software, will be preferred.
Description of Work
This project aims to develop a spatial database on the land use patterns by wildlife, livestock and humans in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve and develop a programme for monitoring the use of wildlife, livestock and humans in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve. This project involves extensive and field work in the remote, rugged, high altitude regions of Sikkim Himalayan region and also extensive lab work related to dietary analysis, molecular genetic studies, and computer based modeling analysis.
Project Title, details of position and duration
Causes of avian diversity gradients along the Himalayas.

(02 – Junior Research Fellows)
Duration: Three years
Essential Qualification
JRF (Field Study): Masters’ Degree in Botany/Zoology/Forestry/Life Science/ Experimental Biology/Environmental Sciences/ Biological Sciences/Wildlife Science or any subject relevant to Wildlife Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.

JRF (Genetics Work): Masters’ Degree in Life Science with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification
JRF (Field Study): The researcher should have decent skills in bird identification and some knowledge of their vocalizations also. His/her familiarity with birds of Himalayas would be an added qualification. He/she should be ready to spend considerably long stretches of time in difficult conditions in the remote forests of Himalayas.

JRF (Genetics Work): The researcher should have skill in collection of biological samples and genetic analysis including DNA extraction, PCR and DNA sequencing. He/she would be required to travel to remote and difficult places in Himalayas for collection of biological samples.
Description of Work
JRF (Field Study): The task in the field would primarily involve collecting bird and vegetation data, analyzing it and writing reports etc under the supervision of the PIs the details of which are as under:
Birds – To conduct census of forest birds, make behavioral observations on them, use mist nets to trap birds and collect biological samples.
Vegetation – To quantify vegetation structure and composition parameters including plant species diversity and foliage height diversity through measurements in vegetation plots.
Analysis and report writing – To manage and analyse data and write reports.

JRF (Genetics Work): To collect and analyze biological samples from field for genetic study including DNA extraction, PCR and DNA sequencing and writing reports etc under the supervision of the PI(s).
Project Title, details of position and duration
Wildlife Forensic Cell.
(01 – Senior Research Fellow)
Duration: Up to 31.03.2014 (Likely to be extended)
Essential Qualification
Masters’ Degree in Zoology/Wildlife Science/Life Science/ M.V.Sc. with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University with minimum of two year’s research experience.
Desirable Qualification
 i.     Working experience in developing species specific characteristics based in morphological features.
ii.     Good knowledge in biostatistics and multivariate techniques.
iii.     Any other academic qualification related to work of species identification.
Description of Work
  •    To work in developing protocols for identification of species based on morphological features from bones, feather, hair and other items.
  •    To provide assistance in undertaking work related to the wildlife offences, and
  •    Any other work assigned by the Nodal Officer, Wildlife Forensic Cell.
Project Title, details of position and duration
Conservation Genetics Laboratory.
(01 – Senior Research Fellow)
Duration: Up to 31.03.2014 (Likely to be extended)
Essential Qualification
Masters’ Degree in Life Science/Biological Science/Wildlife Science/Zoology with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized University with minimum of two year’s research experience.
Desirable Qualification
Candidates with experience of working with non-invasive genetic studies will be preferred. Should also possess adequate knowledge of various statistical software in the field of evolutionary and population genetics.
Description of Work
Project activities require managing the Conservation Genetics laboratory, conducting genetic studies, publishing papers, and training colleagues, students and interns in laboratory work and analysis.  
Project Title, details of position and duration
Wildlife Forensic Cell.
(01 –Research Associate)
Duration: Up to 31.03.2014 (Likely to be extended)
Essential Qualification
Ph.D. Degree in Life Science/Biological Science/Zoology.
Desirable Qualification
  1. Working experience in electrophoresis and molecular genetics using PCR based techniques, PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing/developing species specific characteristics.
  2. Good knowledge in biostatistics and multivariate techniques for use in DNA and animal genetics.
  3. Any other academic qualification related to work.
Description of Work
  • To work under the supervision of Nodal Officer, Wildlife Forensic Cell for developing DNA based techniques and protocol for dealing wildlife forensic cases.
  • To prepare protocol for identifying species from biological materials seized under wildlife offences.
  • Establish liaison with national and international forensic laboratories.
  • To provide scientific input and assistance in organizing workshop(s) by WII and other organizations.
  • To maintain proper record and files of all wildlife forensic cases.
  • To prepare annual requirement of equipment, glassware, chemicals, plastic ware and maintain proper stock entries.
  • To collect reference samples, and any other work assigned by the Nodal Officer, Wildlife Forensic Cell.

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