Sunday, November 22, 2015

Important International Officials

Secretary General UNO.        
-Ban Ki-moon

President world bank.    
 -Jim Yong Kim

Vice President world bank.
 -Anil Sood

Maneging Director of International Monetary Fund.
-Christine Lagarde

Director General of World Trade Organisation  
-Roberto Azevedo

Director General of World Health Organisation  
-Margaret Chan

President United Nations general assembly.
-Sam Kahamba Kutesa

Director General , United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
-Irina Bokova

Director General International Labour Organisation.
-Guy Ryder

President International court of justice.
-Peter Tomka

President Asian Development Bank.
-Takehiko Nakao

President International Olympic committee.
-Thomas Bach

Administrator, NASA
-Charles F. Boldon

President, United Nations Human Right Council.

-Remigiusz Henczel

Director General , International Atomic Energy Agency.
-Yukiya Amano

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